
Slack can be used as a Lead flow destination.

This means that Ads Workbench allows you to connect your lead generation sources (like Facebook Lead Ad forms) with a Slack channel. The Slack integration will send you a personalized notification with the lead details to the selected channel each time you collect a new one. In the message sent each time a lead comes in, you can tag users and you can as well include the details of the lead generation source (like the campaign and form names / ids in the case of Facebook Lead Ad forms).

Connecting your account

Connecting your Slack account with Ads Workbench is really simple. You just need to follow these steps:

  • Go on the left menu -> Integrations
  • Click on the button “Create new”
  • Enter a name for the integration and select “Slack” from the Type dropdown list
  • Click on the button “Authorize”
  • Ads Workbench will redirect you to the Slack authorization login page where you will be able to choose which Slack workspace you want to connect

  • Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

  • Once the authorization is completed you can enter the content of the personalized message

  • Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

  • Finally click on the button “Save”

Creating a sample message

In the message you should include a custom tag for each collected lead field that you want to include. Custom fields must start and end with %% such as %%FIELD_A%% or %%my_field_1%%. Once the message / integration is created, when you add Slack as a destination in one of your lead flows, you will be able to map your custom tags with the form fields. In the message you can also include the special variables to get the current date and to get a number representing the current date and time (number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch).

You can tag multiple users in the message entering either the real name or the display name using @“Real name” or @“display name”.

Slack messages may be formatted using a simple markup language similar to Markdown. Supported formatting includes: ```pre```, `code`, _italic_, *bold*, and even ~strike~. You can find more info in Slack website.

Let’s create then a Slack message, with 5 custom tags, 3 of them for the form fields and the other 2 for tracking purpose (campaign and form names). In the message we will tag the user sales, and apply some bold formatting. The message will look like as follows:

Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

Now you can edit any of your lead flows and add a new destination for this Slack integration. After selection the integration, you will be able to select the Slack channel in the Workspace where the message will be sent.

Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

Then proceed with the form fields mapping.

Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

And finally complete the tracking fields mapping.

Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack

Every time a new lead is collected a message like the following one will be send to the selected channel:

Facebook Lead ads integration with Slack